Our Mission and Approach to Early Childhood & Preschool

All families have access to high-quality, affordable, culturally and linguistically appropriate early childhood education that prepares students for kindergarten and beyond.  Our district and community early childhood centers reflect the cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity of our region. We recognize individual children for their strengths, talents, and diverse needs. We believe in:

  • Facilitating learning through play
  • Building relationships and family partnerships
  • Nurturing every child
  • Maintaining safe learning environments
  • Developing character skills
  • Honoring the culture, languages, and values of our families
  • Being reflective of the communities in which we live

Program Important Information: Costs, Schedules & more

ECE Tuition 25/26
RFSD ECE 2024-2025 Academic Calendar.pdf
Calendario Academico RFSD ECE 24_25.pdf

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Early Childhood Programs and Resources


    The Child Find program identifies children ages three through five years of age who are suspected of having a delay in development as early as possible. If a young child is not meeting typical developmental milestones, or there are concerns about the child’s growth or learning, a referral can be made to Child Find. Here for more info.

    Universal Preschool Program (UPK)

    Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado allows families of children in the year before they are eligible for kindergarten up to 30 hours of free pre-school, and Three-year-olds with qualifying factors are eligible for part-time (up to 10 hours) of preschool programming. Click here to go to State Website for UPK for more information.

    Food Services

    All of our Early Childhood students will receive meals free of charge per Colorado law starting Fall 2023. Here for more info.

    Roaring Fork Family Liaisons

    The Early Childhood Family Liaisons work with families to help young children access academic and non-academic support services in order to support early development and to foster social-emotional skills. Your child does not need to be enrolled in our preschool programs in order to be eligible for services. Here for more info.

Our Staff