Our Commitment to Equity

In 2018, the Roaring Fork Schools held a series of community meetings to learn whether we were living up to our mission and commitments to our community and what we could do to improve. We heard from our community that there was a need to clarify our vision for equity in our schools and community, to ensure equitable opportunity and outcomes for Latinx students, and to deepen partnership and participation by Latino and Anglo families. Equity was affirmed as one of our five “strategic drivers” as essential to being able to fulfill our mission. We articulated a set of strategic goals centered on equity and established a steering committee to guide the work.

Equity Steering Committee

The Equity Steering Committee was formed to help identify our vision for equity in our schools and community. This committee is committed to:

  • Working closely with communities of color to better understand needed action steps.
  • Working to understand, confront and deconstruct privilege.
  • Institutionalizing equity across our organization at all levels.
  • Developing a concrete vision for equity that can be measured, coached, supported, and institutionalized.
  • Utilizing data to drive decision-making and priorities.
Equity Advisory Council

The Equity Advisory Council is a reflective and forward thinking group that provides guidance, recommendations, and feedback to the Equity Steering Committee on its goals, projects, and progress throughout the Roaring Fork Schools. The EAC is made up of a diverse group of stakeholders, including students, parents, staff, and community members who bring multiple perspectives, curiosity, and a desire for equitable experiences and outcomes for all members of our school community. Those interested in learning more or joining the EAC should contact Kelly Medina at kmedina@rfschools.com