Staff Housing Overview

In November of 2015, Roaring Fork Schools passed a voter-approved $122 million bond for capital construction, improvements, and upgrades. A total of $15 million ($5 million per community) was allocated and used to build 66 rental housing units. The staff housing program is part of the district’s effort to make living in the Roaring Fork Valley more affordable for our teachers and other staff members. In 2024, RFSD leveraged rental revenue and reserve funds to build another 50 units on Meadowood Drive in Carbondale. These rental units allow employees to remain with the district without market housing conditions forcing them away. Hopefully, they will also provide a bridge to permanent housing as the affordable nature will allow staff to save money for future home purchases.

Staff Housing Opportunities

RFSD Staff Housing Lotteries: Whenever a unit of staff housing is available, the application is provided via staff newsletters. When there is more than one qualified applicant for an available unit of housing, all qualified applicants will be entered into a lottery. Each applicant’s number of lottery entries will be based on the number of points earned according to the criteria in our guidelines. Applicants will be randomly selected and offered the unit based on the order in which they were selected. If you have any questions about staff housing, please contact Megan Kappeli with Preferred Property Management at 720-340-6161 or via email at ****

Application Window Open until 8:00am on April 29, 2024: Preferred Property Management (on behalf of RFSD) is now accepting applications for staff housing for the 2024-25 school year. All new and returning full-time staff interested in applying for housing must complete the online housing application by 8:00 am on April 29 (see staff newsletter for password). Move-in dates range from July 1 (for units being vacated) to late September (for new Meadowood units as they are completed). 50 new units at Meadowood in Carbondale, in addition to units being vacated in other locations, are included in this application. Staff who are not awarded housing in the first round will be considered for additional units that become available later, so this is the only application you need to submit. As always, if you have any questions about staff housing, please contact Megan Kappeli with Preferred Property Management at 720-340-6161 or via email at

Free-Market Housing in each community: See this list of free-market units offered to RFSD staff from community members (only visible to RFSD staff; requests to share list with non-rfschools emails will be ignored. RFSD staff may not share these listings with non-RFSD staff). These units are not managed or subsidized by RFSD. We are simply trying to help RFSD staff find more housing opportunities. If you would like to add your rental or for-sale unit to this list, please complete this form.