What has changed in how RFSD shares data with 3rd parties?

A whole bunch!

It's hard to explain briefly, so we won't. The tl;dr (too long; didn't read) version is a little bit further down. But for those who just want to know 'what does this mean for me,' here is an attempt at brevity:

The core issue:

Federal and State laws require RFSD change how it allows 3rd parties to access data. It is assumed protected data resides in staff Gmail, Drive, and other Google services.


  1. Every 3rd party app used by RFSD needs to be evaluated for its access to protected data. Review the "Software/App List" in the Important Documents block. Instructions are on the doc, but basically, make sure your apps are 'Trusted' or 'Limited' but not 'To Be Blocked' or 'Blocked'.

  2. Due to changes in Google, about 700 of the 1250 apps used will stop working for students on October 23. However, we've gone through the list (many times) and believe the impacts will be minimal. These are primarily games, shopping, and other non-academic sites. Submit an IIQ ticket if you discover issues.

  3. There is a new process to request apps. You need to speak with your leadership team to ensure their is an acceptable need for the app. Once that is done, create an IIQ ticket under the issue: All Other Tech/Software Request/Request New Software. The ticket will include a Recommended Solution with a link to the "New Software/App Request form," which is also in the Important Documents block--->


  1. Teachers and Staff should be reviewing the info above. Please ensure that occurs to minimize impacts.
  2. Your approval requirement is simple, but impactful. It allows schools to use apps without a district-level contract and increases choice for teachers and staff. This requires parental consent if the app accesses protected data. Don't worry, this will be managed in a similar way to the existing opt-out process for student photos and internet access. It will require minimal effort on the schools part. The draft Software Approval process is in the Important Documents block--->


October 16 - November 16 :: 1)Teacher/Staff review of Software/App list. 2)Software Request Process developed

October 23 :: First big change. Google will remove access to unconfigured apps for users under 18 years old. Submit IIQ ticket for any issues

November 17 - December 1 :: Review teacher/staff feedback from Software/App list. Engage in vendor agreements, where needed.

December 4 :: Second big change. 3rd Party Google apps modified to Trusted, Login-only, or Blocked

December 4 - 15 :: 3rd party apps connected with Clever or directly connected to IC or Schoology data access modified as needed.

Data Sharing and Privacy - The details