Our approach to assessment

In the Roaring Fork Schools, we believe success is measured by much more than the results of standardized state and national tests. The strategic plan includes a commitment to fostering character development alongside academic learning and to ensuring that all students gain the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a changing world. Our comprehensive approach to assessment comprises multiple and varied components: classroom-based, formative assessments (assessments done by teachers to monitor students’ learning and adapt teaching activities based on this feedback) that provide students with multiple opportunities for revision and improvement of their work; clear, consistent expectations and ongoing feedback to students as to how they are progressing; grades which measure student performance against academic standards; standardized district and state assessments to ensure that local expectations are aligned with and meeting ultimate goals such as college and career readiness; a uniform and fair grading policy; and the use of assessment data to inform and improve instruction. We strive to challenge and inspire our children with real-world learning applications such as capstone projects and with real-life working conditions such as collaborative teams and public presentations.